I have recently discovered your website and should be very pleased if you would kindly quote for a mobile home to be located at the end of our garden.
The proposed cabin size is 6m wide by 7.85m long, one bedroom plus bathroom kitchenette and shed/storeroom.
Please find attached my initial drawing giving dimensions and proposed layout I will send in my next email a copy of our brief.
Thank-you for your enquiry…
For your interest I’ve attached an example quote for a similar size mobile home. You will see different prices that represent various finishes… I hope it’s not too confusing we just need to show all the different materials options because the same floorplan can have a price variation of 40%.
We offer a fixed price for delivery and assembly of the structural frame, all finishing is charged at cost +10-% on pay-as-go contracts.
What’s your planning situation?
Thank you for your prompt response. I shall read through everything and discuss with my husband.
We have appointed an agent to handle the planning application. Given the size and the fact that we plan to have a bedroom in the cabin the council have said we need full planning permission however our agent believes it should come under permitted development and a certificate of lawfulness is all that is required.
Do you have any guidance to offer? Or dealings with Richmond Upon Thames?
I would be interested to arrange a viewing of your Guildford building or any other comparable building nearby (TW11).
Thank you for your prompt response. I shall read through everything and discuss with my husband.We have appointed an agent to handle the planning application.
Ok I’ve linked Tozers below.. they have a specialist service for caravans in garden (around £600)… Unless your agent regally does mobile I suggest you use Tozers.
Given the size and the fact that we plan to have a bedroom in the cabin the council have said we need full planning permission
That’s correct if it wasn’t a mobile homes just an annexe… mobiles can have facilities
however our agent believes it should come under permitted development and a certificate of lawfulness is all that is required.
you need a certificate yes… take a look at our planning guide online please… it won’t fall under permitted development because a caravan is not development (permitted or not)… it’s just lawful in its own right not because of PD
Do you have any guidance to offer? Or dealings with Richmond Upon Thames?
I have to recommend you use Tozers… or just put your application is… if it is 100% garden and not attached land… you will be able to get a certificate.
I would be interested to arrange a viewing of your Guildford building or any other comparable building nearby (TW11).
Guildford if the closest and is also a small’isj garden mobile… can I ask the owners to contact you to arrange a viewing?
Best Regards,
Guy Little
Value Mobile Homes Ltd
TEL: 01202 760 115
FAX: 01202 937 719
MOB: 07885 503 080
If you would like to enquire about making an application for a Lawful Development Certificate to site a mobile home in your garden please feel free to give me a call or send me an email. My contact details are as follows:
Amy Cater
Associate Solicitor
Email: a.cater@tozers.co.uk
Direct: +44 (0)1392 204511
Office: +44 (0)1392 207020 | Fax: +44 (0)1392 207019
Addr: Broadwalk House, Southernhay West, Exeter, Devon EX1 1UA
Web: www.tozers.co.uk